чт 07 мая 2020, tags: ErlangLagerN2Ologging
Re-posting from 2014-10-17
In this tutorial we will show you how to create a custom logging backend for N2O. We will use Lager as a logging library.
As we described in the previous (N2O Logging) tutorial, the logging backend should be implementing 3 methods:
- warning/3
- info/3
- error/3
So, let's get started.
Note: For this example, we will use code from (N2O Logging) tutorial.
As a first step we should add lager to the dependencies list in rebar.config.
vim rebar.config
{deps, [ {n2o, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/5HT/n2o.git", {tag, "HEAD"}}}, {lager, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/basho/lager", {tag, "2.0.3"}}} % added lager ]}.
And add to the applications list in web.app.src for an automatic lager starting
vim apps/web/src/web.app.src
{application, web, [ {description, ""}, {vsn, "1"}, {registered, []}, {applications, [ kernel, stdlib, n2o, lager % added lager ]}, {mod, { web_app, []}}, {env, []} ]}.
Next, create a new file where we will implement the required functions.
cd apps/web/src % go to the app directory touch n2o_lager.erl % create an empty file
Open n2o_lager.erl file
vim n2o_lager.erl
And write the implementation. The code is pretty straight forward. You can extend this code also. How? I we will show you later.
-module(n2o_lager). -export([info/3, warning/3, error/3]). -compile([{parse_transform, lager_transform}]). % force compile format_message(Module, String) -> % log formatter "module:message" wf:to_list([Module, ":", String]). info(Module, String, Args) -> lager:info(format_message(Module, String), Args). warning(Module, String, Args) -> lager:warning(format_message(Module, String), Args). error(Module, String, Args) -> lager:error(format_message(Module, String), Args).
Now, when the implementation is ready, let's configure N2O for using our module.
Open web_app.erl and edit start/0 function. We should set up out module as the N2O logging backend.
vim web_app.erl
start() -> application:ensure_all_started(web), application:set_env(n2o, route, routes), application:set_env(n2o, log_modules, web_sup), application:set_env(n2o, log_backend, n2o_lager), % setup a backend for logging application:start(web).
The backend is ready. Let's add some logs to the view files.
cd ../../../ % go to rood directory ./rebar get-deps % get dependencies ./run.sh % start app
And make a call
curl localhost:9002
- Source code: https://github.com/d1ffuz0r/n2o_tutorials/tree/master/6_n2o_logging
- Custom N2O logging backends: https://github.com/d1ffuz0r/n2o.logging
- N2O Logging
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