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Hello N2O!

пт 01 мая 2020, tags: ErlangN2OTutorial

Re-posting from 2014-09-16

"N2O — The Most Powerful Erlang Web Framework"

As a first step, we will show how to install N2O and create a simple application.


N2O is an Erlang framework so let's install Erlang first (if you haven't done it yet).

In Linux, we will use Erlang Solutions repository to get the latest Erlang version.

sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb
$ sudo apt-get install erlang-base erlang-dev

Or in Mac OS X

$ sudo port install erlang


Once Erlang installed, let's start building our first N2O application! On this step we will prepare the environment.

The way how we are going to run and deploy that you could probably have seen in the official documentation is slightly different - instead generation Erlang releases we will just run the app from the terminal for faster and easier development/testing process.

mkdir example        # create directory for project

cd example

mkdir apps           # apps directory will contain our applications

mkdir apps/web       # 'web' is the name of our application

mkdir deps           # deps directory will be used for saving dependent libraries

touch rebar.config   # rebar config

curl -O   # download rebar

chmod a+x rebar     # make rebar executable

Then configure rebar.

vim rebar.config
{deps_dir, ["deps"]}.
{lib_dirs, ["apps", "deps"]}.
{sub_dirs, ["apps",

{deps, [
  {n2o, ".*", {git, "git://", {tag, "1.9.0"}}}

Well, rebar is configured. Let's pull dependencies and compile them

./rebar get-deps compile

Done. Now let's use some rebar magic and generate our first Erlang/OTP application in 'apps/web' directory.

cd apps/web

../../rebar create-app appid=web


A standard N2O app contains a set of OTP application files like *.app.src, *_app.erl and _sup.erl. These files will be generated using rebar. For our example, we have to create 2 additional files:

  • routes.erl - routes list
  • index.erl - actual view

As the first step, we will update file and add 'n2o' to the applications list.

{application, web,
  {description, ""},
  {vsn, "1"},
  {registered, []},
  {applications, [
  {mod, { web_app, []}},
  {env, []}

After that let's change the web_app.erl file and add start/0 function for easier application from console which is useful in the development process

vim web_app.erl


%% Application callbacks
-export([start/2, stop/1, start/0]).

%% ===================================================================
%% Application callbacks
%% ===================================================================

start() ->
  application:ensure_all_started(web),     % start all dependent applications
  application:set_env(n2o, route, routes), % setup router module
  application:start(web).                  % start application

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->

stop(_State) ->

Then go to the web_sup.erl file and change init/1 function. We will add cowboy server initialization and define handlers in rules function.

vim web_sup.erl
init([]) ->
  {ok, _} = cowboy:start_http(http, 3, [{port, 9002}],
                                       [{env, [{dispatch, rules()}]}]),
  {ok, { {one_for_one, 5, 10}, []} }.

rules() ->
    {'_', [                  %% handle all domains
       {'_', n2o_cowboy, []}  %% handle all urls

As a next step we should create the routes.erl file where we will configure routes

vim routes.erl
-export([init/2, finish/2]).

finish(State, Ctx) ->
    {ok, State, Ctx}.

init(State, Ctx) ->
    Path = wf:path(Ctx#cx.req),
    {ok, State, Ctx#cx{path=Path,module=route_prefix(Path)}}.

route_prefix(P) -> route(P).

route(_) -> index.     % always return `index` handler for any url.

Now when our app is almost ready. We should create last and the most important view file - for our case, so let's create a simple view that will render "Hello N2O!" into the browser.

vim index.erl

main() -> <<"Hello N2O!">>.   % main/0 is default function that N2O is calling


That's it! Let's start the app

cd ../../../      % return into root of our project
./rebar compile   % compile apps
erl -name "web@$(hostname)" -pa deps/*/ebin -pa apps/*/ebin -boot start_sasl -s web_app start

Open in browser


Comments !
