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  1. English, learning

    ср 12 сентября 2012,

    When i started learn english I had began it learn main words. After i had learned some words, I has felt needing to know more grammatical rules. Two months of the everyday work had given results for me. Today I have more knowledge of the grammatic rules and I again …

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  2. for developers

    сб 08 сентября 2012,

    Guys why you do not do screenshots your app or library in action? That can to save much time for other developers, they see your example and can chose need him or not your stuff. That important for to web-library or for any plugins.

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  3. Weekend, Coffeescript, HAML, SASS

    вс 05 августа 2012, tags: hamlsasscoffeescript

    It's a time for to improve my English! Let's talk about HAML, SASS, Coffeescript now!

    Long time i like try Coffeescript in action, and in that weekend I did it. It look better than pure JavaScript, as the mixture from Python, Ruby and Haskell of languages. Now write on the …

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  4. Ubuntu

    чт 28 июня 2012, tags: linux

    ~ sudo apt-get upgrade
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    The following packages will be upgraded

    Ubuntu has some dinosaur??

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  5. 10 Erlang one liners to impress your friends

    пн 28 мая 2012, tags: erlang

    1. Multiple Each Item in a List by 2

    [X * 2 || X <- lists:seq(1, 11)].

    2. Sum a List of Numbers

    lists:sum(lists:seq(1, 1001)).

    3.Verify if Exists in a String

    Wordslist = ["scala", "akka", "play framework", "sbt", "typesafe"].
    Tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about …
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  6. Selenium, Python, TinyMCE

    вт 10 апреля 2012, tags: seleniumtoolsjavascript


    чтобы записать текст в TinyMCE редактор, нужно найти его фрейм, перейти в него, выполнив js код записать во внутрь элемента текст, перейти обратно в главный фрейм и только тогда продолжать работу

    lead, body = browser.find_elements_by_tag_name('iframe')
    browser.execute_script('document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerHTML="test lead";')
    browser …
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